13-24 Months: Toddler Milestones by Month

There is a lot to look forward to in the second year of your baby’s life! You have survived the first year, and now it’s time to enter the toddler phase. From first words to first steps, these 12 months are very special. Your toddler will have a lot of energy and awareness that develops into plenty of new experiences for both of you. Every toddler moves at their own speed, so keep that in mind when looking over this development timeline. Read on to learn more about the toddler milestones you can look forward to during months 13-24.


Toddler Milestones at Month 13


Learning How to Talk

Your toddler may be using the same babble sound —”ba” for bottle, “da” for “dada” or even “cak” for jacket for example – and that counts as talking. Some 13-month-olds are still using gibberish that has tones and a cadence like real conversation but doesn’t consist of any actual words.


Taking First Steps

Most toddlers can pull themselves up to a standing position and can cruise around the room while using furniture. About half can take a few wobbly steps on their own.


Toddler Milestones at Month 14


More Stable Standing and Walking

Most 14-month-olds can stand by themselves and take a few steps without help. About half are good walkers. A few ambitious tots are running and maybe even climbing steps at this age.


Speech and Understanding

Your 14-month-old is probably saying mama and dada and may even say up to six or so words. At this point, your baby may also be able to follow simple instructions such as “Come here.” They might also start to observe the people around them and start to imitate their actions!


The Beginning of Teething

Some 14-month olds may be erupting their first molars. Your toddler can find relief from teething pain with cold teething rings, and you can likely give your child acetaminophen or ibuprofen after consulting your pediatrician for proper dosage.


Toddler Milestones at Month 15


Taking a Few Steps

Your child is probably taking at least a few steps on her own. About half of 15-month-olds can walk well. A few are even running or starting to learn to walk backward!


A Growing Vocabulary

Most 15-month-olds say at least one word. Half can say at least two words. And some tots will have now ventured past “dada” and “mama” to form a growing vocabulary that includes words like “dog” and “juice.”


The Start of Teething

First molars may be starting to erupt. For some kids, cutting teeth can be painful and bothersome. For others, you just happen to notice one day a new pearly white poking through the gums.


Ability to Identify

Your child is starting to understand what everyday objects are used for – a broom is for sweeping and a wooden spoon is for stirring, for example. Some 15-month-olds can identify and point to a few body parts when you ask to show you.


Toddler Using Teething Ring


Toddler Milestones at Month 16


From Walking to Climbing

Most 16-month-olds are walking well, which is the lead-up to next steps: climbing, running, walking backward and dancing to music.


Becoming a Chatty Baby

About half of toddlers at this age are saying at least three words, and some especially chatty tots are uttering 15 words or more.


Emerging Cuspids and Canines

As early as 16 months, baby’s cuspids or canines – the third bottom tooth from the front – may begin to erupt. This can be an uncomfortable time for your baby, so be ready for extra cuddles.


Toddler Milestones at Month 17


A Running Start

Your mobile 17-month-old may soon start to run and even learn to walk up steps. Make sure your home is child proofed to avoid any accidents now that your little one is starting to explore.


Growing Their Vocabulary

Most 17-month-olds are saying at least two to three words, and very few are saying 50 or more words. If your toddler doesn’t have a few words in their vocabulary, there’s not necessarily a cause for concern, so don’t panic. Does your toddler point? Make it clear that they understand what you’re saying? Those are all signs that your child is getting closer.


Another Round of Teething

A baby’s upper cuspids tend to poke through around 16 to 22 months and the lower cuspids erupt around 17 to 23 months, so you could be in the middle of another round of teething.


Early Signs for Potty Training

If your child is showing signs of readiness, you can buy a potty seat and encourage them to sit on it. Read books about potty training, and point out older kids your child knows who use the potty. Eventually, they’ll probably show you they want to really ditch the diapers.


Toddler Milestones at Month 18


Exploring New Ways to Move

Most 18-month-olds aren’t just walking – they’re running. Soon they may begin to jump. But they’ll still probably ask to be carried when you’re in crowds or taking a longer jaunt.


Phrases and Item Identification

Most 18-month-olds can say about 10 words, with half being able to say 20 or more. Soon, your child might start saying two-word phrases. Pointing to an item they want will soon turn into asking for the thing by name.


Still on the Lookout for Teething

A toddler’s upper cuspids tend to break through between 16 to 22 months, so brace yourself for another round of teething.


Getting Familiar with Potty Training

A few toddlers at this age might show signs of readiness to start potty training. If your child tells you they have to go, they want their dirty or wet diaper changed, they’re interested in the potty, they can pull their pants up and down and/or they stay dry for at least two hours in a row – these can signal readiness to try potty training.


Mother Reading Potty Training Book with Toddler


Toddler Milestones at Month 19


More Mobility

Your toddler can probably run, climb, and bend over to pick up a toy from a standing position. This movement is an exciting time for your little one, and probably a handful for yourself.


Speech Development

Your little chatterbox might be able to say 10 to 20 words. If they can’t, it may not be cause for concern, but it’s worth keeping an eye on toddler speech milestones and bringing up to your pediatrician.


Pain with Teething

Watch out for teething discomfort, as the upper cuspids and lower second molars tend to break through around this time. Have comforting items and distractions nearby!


Psyching Up Potty Training

Keep talking up the potty and read a few board books about potty training to psych up your 19-month-old for this upcoming milestone.


Toddler Milestones at Month 20


Learning How to Balance

Your toddler’s probably working on learning to walk up steps; next will come walking down them. Some 20-month-olds can stand on one foot while holding on to the wall or a chair.


Becoming Inquisitive

Your child may be saying up to 50 words and will soon start asking “what” and “what’s that” to just about everything. Get ready to start having some fun conversations!


Sleepless Nights with Teething

20 months is about the time a child’s lower second molars pop through, so don’t be surprised if there are a few nights with disrupted sleep.


Buying More Potty Training Materials

A few 20-month-olds show signs of potty training readiness. Now’s a good time to buy a training potty seat and/or start reading potty training books together, if you haven’t already. But beware of putting pressure on your kid to potty train too soon.


Toddler Milestones at Month 21


Motor Skills Kicking In

Most 21-month-olds can run, squat and throw a ball underhand. They can follow two-step directions. For example: Fill up the truck with blocks, then push it to me.


Easier Communication

Your toddler may know 50 or more words and can put two together to make a phrase. This makes communication with your baby much easier as they learn how to convey what they want or need.



Your toddler’s lower second molars might be erupting, causing some teething discomfort—some come in earlier.


Potty Training

A few 21-month-olds show signs of potty training readiness. It’s okay to get an early start if you truly feel they’re prepared. However, readiness typically doesn’t start for another 6-9 months.


Parent Walking with Toddler


Toddler Milestones at Month 22


Improved Motor Skills

Your 22-month-old might be kicking a ball, walking backwards, and perhaps even balancing on one foot while holding onto a sturdy chair or wall. Soon, they might be able to pedal a tricycle.


Chatty Cathy

Your child is probably saying 50 words or as many as 100 at month 22. Having conversations will continue to become more and more interesting, especially as you get to see your little one’s personality emerge.


More Teething Discomfort

Your toddler’s lower second molars and/or upper second molars might be erupting, causing some teething discomfort.


Getting Closer to Potty Training

Some 22-month-olds show signs of potty training readiness. You can start encouraging him to sit on the potty. But beware of putting pressure on your kid to potty train – it’s still early.


Toddler Milestones at Month 23


Motor Skills

Your 23-month-old is continuing to experiment with their new modes of movement and having fun seeing what new things they can do. At this point, it’s extra important to keep an eye on what they’re doing and where they’re going – they have a whole world to explore!


Putting Together Phrases

At this point, your toddler is probably working on forming two-word phrases. They are also listening closely – learning up to 10 new words each day.


The Arrival of Molars

Your toddler’s lower second molars and/or upper second molars might be erupting, causing some teething discomfort. Use some teething relief techniques to help alleviate some of the pain.


Getting More Comfortable with the Potty

If your toddler is showing signs of readiness at this point, it’s okay to start if you feel they’re prepared. But beware of putting pressure on your kid to potty train – it’s still early.


Toddler Milestones at Month 24


Always on the Move

Your 24-month-old can probably walk up the stairs one foot at a time and jump with both feet at once. Now that your baby is on the move, you probably are getting your own workout chasing them around!


Forming Sentences

Your toddler may be saying 50 words or as many as 100. They may even be saying two- to four-word sentences – but it’s not usually worrisome if not. The doctor will probably check for hearing problems if they’re not talking as much as expected.


Birthday Molars

A toddler’s upper second molars tend to poke through around the second birthday, causing some teething discomfort. Maybe not the best birthday gift, so be sure to give extra love and comfort during this phase of teething.


Almost Ready to “Go”

The second birthday is a popular time to start ramping up potty training if your child is showing signs of readiness. This may include telling you they have to go, wanting their dirty diaper changed, showing interest in the potty, the ability to pull their pants up and down, and/or staying dry for at least two hours in a row. But don’t rush if they aren’t there yet!


A lot definitely happens in the second year of your baby’s life! Growing from baby to toddler is exciting for everyone involved. Your toddler gets to explore the world with a new sense of understanding while you get to learn more and more about their developing personality. And remember, every toddler moves at their own pace, so don’t stress if this timeline doesn’t fit your little one’s path!

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