Buying clothes for your baby can be an interesting endeavor, especially when your little one is growing so quickly. With the quick changes and the number of adorable baby clothes available, it can start to be a bit overwhelming to keep up with at first as a new parent! Read on to find tips on how to shop for your baby, including tricks for buying seasonal items and age-specific clothes.
Stock Up on Larger Sizes
In the first year especially, babies grow so quickly. Sometimes you can’t predict how big they’ll be in a month or two! When you are buying baby clothes, stock up on some larger sizes that your baby can grow into instead of scrambling to find an outfit that fits after the most recent growth spurt. When your baby is born, you’ll likely receive a lot of newborn to 3-month outfits, which makes it easier in the early months to keep up with the constant changes – both for your baby and their outfits!
Think About Seasonality
When you’re buying baby clothes in advance, it’s important to keep the seasons in mind. Consider what the weather will be like when they’ll finally be in 12-month clothing. Will they have a growth spurt that puts them there sooner than 12 months? If so, which season will it be in? You don’t want to buy a 12-month sweater for a baby who fits into it at the end of summer. One of the best ways to handle this is with layering. Have your basics all the time such as onesies, pants, and shirts. If it’s cool enough in summer and warm enough in winter with a jacket, it’s great.

Go for Comfort Over Style
We know! Shopping for baby clothes is one of the most fun things to look forward to. With all the cute, little outfits available, it can be hard to not choose every onesie on the shelf. But just because it’s cute doesn’t mean it’s comfortable. Imagine yourself wearing an adult version of the outfit all day (on top of a diaper!), is it something you’d be comfortable in? Look for breathable fabric with some stretch to it for easy movement, and buy materials that are soft that won’t irritate your baby’s skin.
Aim for Easy Clothes
Along the same lines as dressing for comfort over style, find clothes that are easy for you. Babies can be messy, that’s a fact. Drool, spit-up, milk, food, even the dreaded diaper blowout are all things you need to prepare yourself for. Choose clothes that are easy for you to get on and off. Snaps and zippers are your friends for quick changes in messy situations or during nighttime changes when the lights are low. Also, aim for clothes that are easy to wash – sometimes the cute clothes have designs or features that you can’t just quickly clean off.
Avoid Choking Hazards
As a parent, you’ve probably become well-versed in just how many things can become choking hazards. Baby clothes are no exception. With decorations like buttons, decals, rhinestones, and sequins can all pose as a potential choking hazard if it falls off of the garment. When buying baby clothes, try to avoid any extra decorations. If you do buy decorated clothes or receive any as gifts, be sure to keep a close eye on your baby while they are wearing them to ensure nothing is removed and finds its way into your baby’s mouth – and don’t let them sleep in them.

Get a Variety
If it isn’t clear already, variety is important with baby clothes. Variety in size, variety in season, variety in style, variety in everything! On top of the reasons already mentioned, a variety of clothes will be important as you discover your baby’s likes and dislikes. Maybe a certain fabric is too itchy on them, or they really don’t like anything with elastic or zippers. While you’ll be able to fine-tune their wardrobe once you learn their preferences as they get older, your first batch of baby clothing will definitely be a trial-and-error experience.
Consider Secondhand
Secondhand clothing is a parent’s dream when it comes to baby clothes. As mentioned earlier, babies grow quickly and unfortunately can’t fit into their cute, new clothes for very long. Secondhand baby clothes are lightly worn and are typically in style because of the quick turnaround. This way, you’re getting some great deals on clothes while cutting down on fast fashion or clothing waste. You can even resell or donate it again once your baby has gotten use out of it, or save it as a hand-me-down for future siblings.
When it comes to buying clothes for your baby, the main things to keep in mind are comfort, ease of use, and planning for the future. This doesn’t mean you can’t get a few cute pieces for your baby’s wardrobe. Shopping for your baby is a fun and exciting part of being a new parent, so be sure to have fun with it and make the most of your memories while they still fit into those cute little outfits!