If you and your partner are trying to conceive, passing time may seem discouraging and you may be wondering when should you seek the help of a fertility specialist. It can be difficult to determine whether you should just keep trying or to visit a doctor to see what else can be done. Here are some guidelines to help you through the process of deciding what steps to take and when.

It’s Time to See a Fertility Doctor Right Away if…

Your BMI is High or Low
Maintaining a healthy weight can help with conception and overall health. Women with a BMI below 18 or above 30 may want to consider working their way to a healthier BMI before trying to conceive as complications with both conception and the pregnancy itself are more likely to occur if you are underweight or overweight.
You Have a Thyroid Condition
Since your thyroid is related to hormonal changes, any issues with your thyroid may affect your ability to conceive. See a doctor right away if you are trying to conceive and suspect a thyroid condition. It is important to receive proper treatment before getting pregnant since thyroid issues can also affect your pregnancy.
You Have a Known Reproductive Issue
If you have already been diagnosed with a reproductive issue, speak with a fertility specialist who can help guide you through different options for growing your family.
You Have Unusual Symptoms
Fertility issues go undiagnosed all the time. Issues like unusual bleeding or spotting, cramping outside of your menstrual cycle, and frequent abdominal aches are all reasons to seek the guidance of a specialist. These issues are more manageable when caught early so it is best to be proactive. During your regular checkups, make sure to mention any of these kinds of symptoms even if they seem “ordinary” to you.
Your Period Is Irregular
Because ovulation disorders are one of the leading causes of infertility in women, it is best to get checked out by a fertility doctor if your periods are irregular (or if they don’t come at all). This can mean that you’re not ovulating regularly, which can make conceiving even more challenging. Fear not – there are treatments that can help to induce and regulate your ovulation so that you have a better chance of conceiving.
You’ve Had Multiple Miscarriages
Recurrent pregnancy loss is a specific type of fertility problem and can be a result of issues with your thyroid, uterine tissue, and genetics. Make sure to get checked out by a fertility specialist so they can determine the issue and begin the appropriate treatment. In many cases, the problem can be treated and a healthy pregnancy can ensue.
You Have a Complicated Medical History
People with chronic medical conditions may want to seek the advice of a fertility specialist when they begin trying to conceive. It is best to be aware of any effects your medical history may have on your fertility and your potential pregnancy. Even if the condition seems unrelated to pregnancy, it is best to check with a specialist to make sure and, if necessary, receive the proper treatment.
Your Mother Went Through Menopause Early
Since fertility tends to be linked to genetics, it is best to seek the attention of a specialist if your mother or other women in your family started menopause early. This could be a sign that your egg count may decrease at an earlier than expected age. This can be determined with a simple test at a fertility clinic.

Keep Trying and Hold off Six Months if…

You’re Over 35
After the age of 35, a woman’s egg supply begins to decrease and, as a result, so do the chances of natural conception. It is recommended to seek the help of a fertility specialist after six months of regular, unprotected intercourse.

Keep Trying and Hold off One Year if…

You’re Under 35 and Healthy
Because conception can be somewhat elusive even to fertile, young couples, specialists recommend waiting at least 12 months (while trying regularly without contraception) before seeking the help of a fertility specialist. Conceiving can take time and patience.
Seeking the help of a fertility specialist may seem overwhelming but it is important to maintain a positive attitude. Many families turn to fertility specialists to find out more information about their bodies and to identify any fertility issues early so they can work through a solution. Proper attention and treatment can help you and your partner grow your family.
If you’re looking to expand your family and are experiencing any of these issues, reach out to your preferred fertility doctor for more information.

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