There are a very large number of herbal remedies on the market for fertility treatment.  The one that I generally recommend is FertilityBlend, as it is the only one that has been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on fertility.  The research that was done on it was actually done at Stanford University, where I trained.

Unfortunately, there are many patients that concoct their own herbal treatments.  Just because something is labeled as “all natural” or “herbal,” does not mean that is safe.  There have been numerous herbal therapies that have resulted in patient deaths.  Probably the most prominent herbal treatment that cause many deaths was ephedra.  It was used widely in the late 90’s and early 2000’s as a weight loss supplement and energy booster.  Unfortunately, the levels of ephedra varied widely from manufacturer to manufacturer and some people took too much, which stressed their hearts, and killed some patients.

The problem for fertilty patients, is that there are many herbs and supplements that are not necessarily toxic to the person taking them, but they are toxic to their eggs, the developing embryo, or their uterus.  Some can cause uterine contractions, such as Blue Cohosh and Pennyroyal, which Rosemary has been shown to cause implantation problems (problems with the fertilized egg implanting into the uterus.)  Many herbs were actually used historically as abortion treatments.

In general, try to follow the teachings of Thomas Edison, who said “everything in moderation.”  A patient experiencing fertility problems should try to eat a balanced diet, exercise, and reduce their stress levels.

I have also started a page on my website about fertility health.  It includes a list of herbs that fertility patients should avoid, as well as a list of other supplements that can cause problems with fertility treatment. As always, if you have any questions about this, please consult your physician or a nutritionist.  The number and variety of herbs and supplements out there is huge and it is not easy for non-medical people to sort through all of them.

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