Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in Fertility Treatment
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is the process of directly injecting an individual sperm into an egg in order to facilitate fertilization. It has been a highly successful therapy in the management of male factor and unexplained infertility.
To learn more about Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, schedule a consultation by filling out our contact form or calling (702) 749-4834.
Merging Precision, Expertise, and Hope for Fertility Success
Although the technique of ICSI appears simple in principle, it involves the use of sophisticated instruments and requires adequately trained embryologists to perform. During ICSI, policies and procedures are used that protect gametes from temperature and pH variations and fluctuations, which may disrupt spindles and contribute to abnormal chromosomal distribution.
The female patient is stimulated with Fertility Medications for approximately ten days then eggs are retrieved. Prior to ICSI the cells around the eggs otherwise known as cumulus, are removed from around the egg by exposure to hyaluronidase and gentle aspiration of oocytes with a finely pulled instrument.
The injection pipette containing the immobilized spermatozoa is gently pushed through the zona pellucida (outside shell of the egg) at the 3 o’clock position and through the oolemma into the center of the ooctye. ICSI does not guarantee fertilization but it improves the incidence of complete fertilization failure.